I got to try out my new trekking poles. They were awesome. Susan got to try out her new hiking pants. Also awesome. Amanda may have been trying out something new. If so, she didn't tell us.
Further proof of my poor navigation skills: Two wrong turns on the way home. We did manage, however, to make it home alive and unhurt, which I think is a clear win.
The elevation profile shows that we did a ton of walking up and down hills. According to Susan, this is excellent for your butt. I would not know, because my trekking poles are awesome, and I no longer have to whine when we get to a big hill. Also according to Susan, she isn't wild about going down steep hills, even with trekking poles ("Oh my god, this is like skiing all over again!") so this might not have been the most appropriate trail for our first big hike.
I'm not sure what is going on with our speed profile. Obviously, we were never going 161 mph...
No pictures from the hike, but here are some pictures of my dogs!